[PATCH] libertas: move reset_device() code main.c to if_usb.c

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Mon Feb 26 11:52:00 EST 2007

> This is not true: reset_device() sends the
> HostCmd_CMD_802_11_RESET command to firmware, which is not an
> USB specific thing.

Ah, and one more reason why I don't need any reset command an CF:

c) you cannot "rmmod mrv8xxx_cs" before you did "pccardctl eject" 
(because before that, your mod-in-use-counter is 1). Only after 
the eject goes the counter to 0 and you can rmmod. At this time 
the card is without power. That's as good as a reset as you can 
go :-)

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